UNCOVERED!! Buhari Still Uses Jonathan’s Old Cars [PHOTOS]

Indications have emerged that President Muhammadu Buhari still uses the old cars used by immediate past, President Goodluck Jonathan.

Buhari arrived the Federal Capital Territory on Thursday night from his trip to the United States.


The car which was used to take the president home to Aso Villa was spotted and a closer look revealed that the black Mercedes Benz Maybach is old, the colour is devoid of any sheen and there are scratches at the back bumper. 

Even the tyres appear to have seen better days and this suggested that President Buhari has refused to change the fleet he inherited from his predecessor, Goodluck Jonathan, since 2015.

In 2016, the president, who had cut his salary by 50 percent,  struck out a move to spend N400 million on new cars for him.  The money was to be used to buy five new armoured Mercedes Benz S-600 (V222) cars.

Perhaps, the President believes the cars passed on to him by his predecessor can still last another 10 years.


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